This is a book that can be read cover to cover or can be read in sections, picking and choosing by the particular civil rights' activist's story you are interested in reading. It is a new, "inside" look at the lives of some historic figures within the Civil Rights Movement in America. I especially loved the insights and life of James Baldwin. He is of course, more in the spotlight recently, thanks to the film adaptation of his novel "If Beale Street Could Talk" as shown by Barry Jenkins brilliance. I loved feeling that this background insight into how he felt about growing up and into the radical shift in thinking about race in America during his lifetime. He retreated to France for a large portion of his life but did feel the drive to be involved in this fight as well. At his funeral, Toni Morrison was quoted as saying, "You made American English honest - genuinely international." I find Baldwin to be a fascinating author of the times, being both an African American man and openly gay as well. A truly unique combination at the time. The timeline of this compilation is well done. It is incredible to remember, or I should say, be reminded that these racially motivated battles were not that long ago. They occurred within many people's lifetimes, or at least a family member's lifetime. And yet we wonder why there is still so much racial injustice, prejudice, racism, etc.? Events such as these need to be generations removed from families before true healing really occurs across the board. It can occur. I pray that it will. #FreeAllAlong #NetGalley