My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Usually I am not a fan of anything involving stalker plots but this is a complete exception. I think the difference here compared to other stalker novels is this is suspenseful more than just graphic gory. I appreciate an author that brings that sophistication to the table.
This book was fabulous. From the beginning in developing the characters, where you start the shift back and forth between sets of characters right through to the ending where the twist is revealed, this is well written and thorough. For all the intricate details, one of my favorite character interactions, that is really only an aside interaction and not central to the plot is between Matthew and Ian. This is a very sweet and well done interaction between these two characters that shows the intelligence of Matthew as well as the empathy and humanity he displays. I just adored their relationship and how Matthew figured out the issue Ian was having and a solution.
This is a fast paced thriller so I don't want to spoil any major plot points, but just say that this is a well written and readable novel that is good from beginning to end.
Highly recommend for my fellow thriller readers.
#IWillMakeYouPay #NetGalley #AmazonPressUK #TeresaDriscoll
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