My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I enjoyed the atmosphere of this story more than anything else. Delia Owens is a product of my small, rural Southern town and we had the pleasure of hosting her back home in September for a town "OneBook Book Club". This is something that we do annually and this year had the pleasure of bringing back a hometown author. There were so many aspects of the setting that came through and were instantly recognizable to anyone who lives here. She visited the schools while she was here, who each did their own book clubs as well and welcomed her with open arms. She also gave a talk for the community and was so at home as could be speaking with her lifelong friends in the audience. It was a wonderful thing to see.
The story has something for everyone, with setting, a mystery, legal thriller, romance and literary narrative about nature. For me, I adore thrillers but I also loved the immediate way I was transported back into the setting of my childhood, in northwest Florida, where the "fish camps" where very similar in feel to the descriptions of the marshland or swamps of the coasts in this novel.
I also loved the relationships, few as they really were. The surprise in where the strongest relationships came from for the protagonist. Much of this was born of Delia Owens' experience of isolation in Africa while doing research there.
Highly recommended.
#WhereTheCrawdadsSing #DeliaOwens #PenguinRandomHouse
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