This is such an important book looking at an insider's view (from multiple perspectives) of the medical industrial complex. Some may complain or moan that Dr. Magee is selling the medical community or administrators out by telling this story but it needs to be publicly told. In this day and age, when our country, as wealthy as it is, has such awful statistics in the healthcare sector for easily preventable conditions, we need to know these facts. Washington, D.C. politics are too busy vying for power and not representing the needs of Americans when it comes to many issues, but healthcare is one that will universally affect each and every one of us.
Wake up people! Everyone dies! Therefore, preventing disease is important. Treating disease early is important. Having easy access to high quality care is important. Instead we are allowing decisions to be made by the MIC that will ultimately affect our ability to access these services (and for providers to provide them).
Thank you Dr. Mike Magee for this timely and comprehensive book outlining the background and conversation we need to be having in this country now about how we want our healthcare to be for the coming years and why it became the way that it is now.
Highly recommend!!
#CodeBlue #NetGalley
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