The Last House on Needless Street by
Catriona Ward
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
First of all, the narrator, Christopher Ragland, does a fantastic job with this book. He uses different voices to create the various characters. This story begins with following the protagonist, Ted, who lives in his house with his cat and daughter. The initial conversation that Ted is having seems off somehow, and to me, it was because he speaks as though he is significantly younger, like a small boy who still calls his parents Mommy and Daddy. The reader/listener must decide if this character is a fully grown man, a young person or an intellectually challenged man. I went into the story completely blind and I highly recommend doing it this way. It makes it a little tougher to stick with the beginning as the story is laid out but it is completely worth it. This story is a well crafted, slowly building story and the twists during the last 25% were great. There were some pieces of the story that I anticipated but other parts that I never expected.
Hats off to the author and the narrator for a job well done!
#TheLastHouseonNeedlessStreet #Netgalley #MacmillanAudio #ChristopherRagland
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